Saturday, February 23, 2008

Why I Don't Hate Britney

This blog is in response to the Evaluation argument we had to read for class, Why I Hate Britney. This article is written by a woman blaming the way women dress on celebrity figures such as Britney Spears. The woman argues that she does not want to have children for fear of having a girl and not being able to shield her from the terror that is sex. I will never understand the fear many Americans have of sexuality. Travel anywhere in Europe and you will come face to face with constant and appropriate human contact. Sex is everywhere and if we just learn to teach our youth about it and embrace that it is a part of life, it will become less of an issue. In the article the woman admits that it should be the parents, not celebrities, who teach their children morals and appropriate behavior. However, she immediately goes back to blaming celebrities and the media for showing the public sexual images and singing lyrics about sex. If parents and teachers start to teach the youth things about body image and sex, not abstinence, we will all be better off. I graduated in a class of 23 kids and two of them were on the stage with huge pregnant bellies. I honestly believe that if we had been taught about sex and what the appropriate approaches are to it, my girlfriends would have been baby free at the time of our graduation. Yes some people drop the hat and make mistakes but the way America approaches sex is all wrong. By being open and accepting the fact that sex happens whether Britney Spears is wearing some telling outfit or not our country and the world will be much better off.

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