Tuesday, February 12, 2008

To move or not to move?

One of my friends was recently approached by her roommate about moving out of their room. The unhappy roommate (roommate number two) told roommate number one that she was unhappy with their rooming situation and wanted her to move out. Roommate number one, being overly passive, agreed to move out, but said that she was going to wait for a room in the building that we live in. Roommate number two agreed to the terms but has not stopped pestering roommate number one about getting out of the room. I do not agree with this situation at all. I think that if roommate number two has a problem then she should be the one to move out, or be happy that roommate number one agreed to actually leave, even though she doesn't want to, and let it take as long as she wants it to. We signed roommate agreements at the start of first semester for this reason. Roommate number two can ask roommate number one to move out but politely and expect that when roommate number one agrees it will get done. But she can not be rude to her while they are in the room alone or leave hurtful remarks to her posted on the internet. People need to learn to respect other people and if they have a problem they need to be adult about dealing with it and not leave nasty remarks in their away messages.

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