Monday, March 24, 2008


One of my friends is really stressed out at her college. She has a very tough work load, she lives in a triple that should only be a double, and she doesn't get along with one of her roommates. Just before she left for spring break she noticed that her shoulders were really starting to hurt and she was getting a little bit of an unexplained rash. It went away a little bit over break but as it got closer to her going back to school, the rash started to creep up again. She went to the doctor the day she got back and found out that she has Shingles. My friends roommate that she doesn't get along with hasn't had Chickenpox yet, and Shingles is a form of Chickenpox, so my friend has to take all of these cautionary measures to ensure that her roommate is feeling alright and she doesn't get Chickenpox. This is causing my friend a great deal of stress. More then she had before. I do not agree that her roommate can make her do some of the things that she is asking her to do, like change only in the bathroom, and try to stay away from her. These are ridiculous measures that don't seem like they are going to make any difference. If the roommate has a real problem or she feels like she could get something from my friend then she needs to do something to make herself feel more comfortable and not demand all of these crazy things from my friend.

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