Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Attendance policy

The writing department and I'm sure others on this and many other campuses have an attendance policy. I understand the appeal of making students go to class. That is what we are here for. However, I think that is should be a professors policy, not a departments policy. I have mono and I have been to every writing class because I don't want to use up my three absences. Because this is a department policy I don't have leeway on my attendance. If it were my professors policy then I could have a discussion with them and most likely get excused absences like I have in most of my other classes. I feel like in college we are in charge of how we learn and if a student can go to class for the exams and to turn in the homework and they can still get an acceptable grade then attendance shouldn't be mandatory. And if attendance is mandatory it should be the professors call, not the departments.

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